
Tutorial on Make a 6-strand Leather Bracelet with Skull Rhinestone Link

Summary: Here become familiar with making leather braided bracelet every one of the following contents will walk you through the basic principles of braiding a 6-strand bracelet, with merely half an hour!

  • 8seasons
  • 8seasons
  • 8seasons
  • 8seasons
  • 8seasons
  • 8seasons
  • 8seasons

Leather braided bracelets are a few of wrist accessories that being enjoyed a fantastic good reputation for while. Therefore, learn how to braid them can also add kicks into a personal outfit and also create pretty gifts among girls. Now, read this braid bracelet pattern and will also be able to make a fairly easy 6-strand bracelet within half an hour!

Supplies required in the leather braided bracelet:

8mm Glass Pearl Beads
Skull Alloy Rhinestone Link
Crimp Bead
Cord Ends
Lobster Claw Clasp
.38mm Tiger Tail Wire
1mm Cowhide Leather Cord
Wire Cutter Pliers

Supplies needed in the leather braided bracelet

The way to braid the 6-strand bracelet?

The First Step: Braid the 6-strand bracelet part

1st, cut three 80cm strands of leather cord
2nd, fold them by 50 percent and tie the very center location by using a string
3rd, take R1 over R2, R3, L3 and L2, then bring the R1 under L2 and L3. Now, the R1 could be the new ldquoR3 rdquo
4th, take the L1 over L2, L3, (new) R3 and R2, then ring L under R2 and (new) R3

start to braid the 6-strand leather bracelet

5th, repeat the 4th and 5th procedures with new R1 and L1 cord ends

keep braiding

6th, when the part reaches 2/3 of your bracelet, stop braiding and secure the location with tape
7th, finally, take away the excess leather cords.

remove the excess leather cords

2: Build the focus beaded part

1st, attach the cord end with pliers

attach the cord ends

2nd, cut a short piece of tiger tail wire and thread it from the cord end on a single tip
3rd, slide one crimp bead, push upwards after which squeezing with pliers
4th, string three pearl beads and one crimp bead around the wire, then thread through one side from the skull bead. Finally, thread the wire back from the crimp bead. Pull tightly and squeeze the crimp bead
5th, open another cord end and attach the lobster claw clasp. Meanwhile, add one jumpring to the other side from the skull bead.

make the focus beaded part


finished 6-strand leather braided bracelet

Voil ! Making your personal leather braided bracelets is fun, basic and inexpensive. As a sign of friendship, these handmade trinkets may worth more than the Swarovski crystals or another precious gifts.

